Code with style (that is, googlestyle)

Just a very quick post with a great link I came across with respect to style, in particularly relevant for C/C++, Python and Objective-C (for web and browser developers, there's also some HTML/CSS and Javascript guidelines). Named the google-styleguide it provides some great guidelines with respect to good coding practices and style, at least those practiced at google. The truth is that although style can be a little subjective as to what things are acceptable, and what not, after going through these I personally agree a lot with google's sense of style (that's right, in italics). People from different backgrounds may differ, but for linux coders who like the kernel conventions (talking about C/C++ here) most of these will look great to them. They even provide an emacs settings file for compliance (too bad I use vim), and a tool for cpp code.

If you're going to write code, at least do so with style (because the code might suck anyways ;-))

Written on June 5, 2012