DDClient Gentoo init script

Hello people, I know I’ve been absent for a while and I’m sorry about that. Then again, its not like I have legions following me, so my guess is no one has really noticed :) Anyway, I have a nice few posts coming up. Particularly one regarding a small “fork” or mod of intel’s igb NIC driver that allows parallel traffic capture from several processes from userspace with zero-copy and avoiding skbuff overhead. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself, that will be coming up, together with the github(most likely) repo and explanation.

This post is really nothing special, I just hope it can help some gentoo users like myself. My ISP recently changed my service from fixed ip to dynamic ip (yup, I somehow managed to keep a fixed IP address for something like 8 years). So my dyndns.org account needs a constant update of the DNS records. They suggest two alternatives ddclient and inadyn, and as you can see in their links, they provide some decent literature and even config file generators, not bad. I went for ddclient, a perl based client. Ddclient comes ready with init script for debian, fedora, ubuntu,… users. But as you may know, gentoo users are not as common. Furthermore, init scripts are a little different in gentoo (I think in this case different is better). I want the ddclient daemon to start automatically at startup, so I needed/wanted the corresponding init.d gentoo script. I quickly hacked one up. Enjoy.

# This file is part of ddclient for gentoo.
# Author: Jaime Fullaondo
PID=`ps -aef | grep "$program - sleep" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
depend() {
	need net
	need logger
start() {
	ebegin "Starting ddclient"
	if [ ! -d /var/run/ddclient ]; then
		mkdir /var/run/ddclient || return 1
	DELAY=`grep -v '^s*#' $CONF | grep -i -m 1 "daemon" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'`
	if [ -z "$DELAY" ] ; then
		DELAY="-daemon 300"
	eend $? "Failed to start ddclient"
stop() {
	ebegin "Stopping ddclient"
	if [ -n "$PID" ] ; then
		kill $PID
	eend $? "Failed to stop ddclient"
restart() {
	if ! service_stopped "${SVCNAME}" ; then
		svc_stop || return "$?"
		sleep 1
Written on January 26, 2012